I am making many small changes to make a healthier life for myself and my family. One step forward, possibly some backwards too. Join me on my journey ...

Smarter ways to live well

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Day

Gently, gently, that is how I have taken today. I am not silly enough to try and introduce change too fast or too strictly. For instance, I am not going to say I must drink 8 glasses of water a day, as this will just lead to me failing. Rather, I am just trying to increase the amount of water that I drink each day, which I managed today.

I also swapped a couple of cups of black tea for green tea. That one is easy. Because I have been ill for a couple of months now, I have added a multivitamin containing selenium and a calcium and vitamin D supplement, as well as an omega fish oil capsule. I hope to eventually just obtain the right amounts of all from my diet, but I think that will my body is under stress that I will "top up" with supplements to jump start recovery.

Due to my diverticultis being so severe at the moment, I am limited to a low fibre diet. It is a fine line finding the right amount of fibre my body needs, as too much can cause problems for me, just as much as too little fibre. I did drink a "superfoods" fruit drink that contained goji berries. I tried previously to eat goji berries but found them unpleasant. I suppose juiced may not as beneficial, but for the moment it is the best I can manage. Tiny steps.

Tomorrow is another day!


  1. Good for you, my dear! I'll be following your adventures here, as well.

  2. I hope to achieve some positive results!!!!!
